3 Resolutions for a New Year’s Marketing Recharge
There’s something about the beginning of a new year that makes us all want to do better. Whether it’s fighting the crowds at the gym with the other one-month wonders, or actually getting the decorations down before February; this is a time of resolutions.
This year, Smartegies proposes that you resolve to re-charge your brand with 3 simple AEC Marketing tactics:
1. Be Better at Social Media
Social media tends to be low on business priority lists for companies in the B2B professional services space. In today’s world, you can’t ignore the influence of this medium. By being ahead of your competitors in adopting (and maintaining) social accounts, you can position yourself as a thought leader, generate leads and recruit the best talent. Create a content calendar and set goals to post on a weekly or daily basis.
Did You Know?
LinkedIn allows fellow group members to message each other for free even if they aren’t linked.
2. Update Your Website
An updated website is critical to your online marketing success and your ability to build a digital community of followers . You should update your website as often as possible and become your own news source. Your website is your MOST IMPORTANT piece of marketing collateral in your arsenal and should serve as your central information hub. The days of a website serving as a mere online brochure are long gone. Today, websites can be and should be so much more. All of your e-Marketing communications and promotions should take visitors back to your website. Your blog (yes you should have one) can also live on your website. Let’s face it, professional service firms sell expertise and a blog can be a great way to demonstrate thought leadership with your current and potential customers, partners and peers.
Design and navigation should be simple and verbiage should be at a minimum. Busy people do not like to read anything that is “fluff”. Be inspiring while keeping it concise.
Did You Know?
Having a blog can improve your positioning in Google searches by constantly creating fresh content for search engine optimization (SEO).
3. Take More (or Better) Photos
As the popularity of sites like Instagram and Pinterest illustrate, we are an increasingly visual culture. Your project or jobsite photography (or lack thereof) speaks volumes about your firm. Get quality photography of your projects as soon as possible and take pictures often – before the project, during construction and after completion. If the expense is an issue, talk to other team members about sharing the cost of professional images. Also, don’t feel like you always need to hire a professional photographer. Invest in a nice camera and take progress photos yourself to share on your social platforms.
Did You Know?
Web articles with images get 94% more total views than those without. Similarly, your case studies are significantly more effective with supporting images–show, don’t tell.