The New Google Business Profile
Have you heard? Google Business Profile (GBP), formerly known as Google My Business (GMB) is now retired. The tech powerhouse announced that Google Search and Maps will be the new home of the GBP feature. This integration allows businesses to edit information, including contacts, hours of operation, photos, and much more directly from Google search and the Google Maps app.
This change should cause no need to worry for GMB users. Editing and verifying your GBP is still easier than ever. Businesses can even resolve profile issues directly from Google search with new, updated features.
You’re probably saying to yourself, “another update?”, and we completely understand. We know how daunting it can be to run a competitive and successful A/E/C firm while simultaneously keeping up with the ever-changing digital world and the latest marketing tools. It can be a tall order but creating and maintaining a Google Business Page is about as easy as it gets in digital marketing, folks. Don’t you love easy? How about a great ROI?
Already using GBP for your firm? Let this new update serve as a catalyst for your team to revisit your strategy and make sure you’re updating information regularly and optimizing your profile for best results.
If you still need some convincing on why GBP is a necessity for your growing, B2B firm, we got you covered. Here are three of the biggest reasons why we think this marketing tool is an incredibly helpful resource below:
It’s Cost-effective
GBP is completely free! You can showcase your services on one of the biggest search engines in the world at no extra cost. Where else can you put your business in front of hundreds and thousands of potential clients without digging deep into your pockets? It’s a no-brainer.
It’s Great For Brand Awareness
GBP gives you complete control over your digital presence with very little work on your end. Your profile can complement your website, social media efforts and serve as an additional touchpoint for potential clients who are early in their buyer’s journey. As you take the time to update and optimize your GBP, you’ll earn client’s trust, strengthen your reputation, and drive quality leads and traffic to your firm.
It Provides Great Insight That Can Inform Your Strategy
It’s no secret. Google runs the show, but you can use that to your advantage. GBP can be a useful tool that provides your firm with valuable insight about your audience. The data collected can help drive your marketing strategy and assist you with making the best decisions possible for your firm.
Interested in elevating your firm’s digital strategy? Our team of experts is ready to help you drive brand awareness, generate qualified marketing and sales leads (MQL’s and SQL’s), position your brand as thought leaders, and grow your employer brand to attract top talent.
Contact a Smartegies team member today.
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